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Successful annual maintenance in a race against time

- News, Accommodation

As every year, we took advantage of the quieter time during the transition from summer to winter to get the lodge back in shape. Rhulani was closed for eleven consecutive days for renovation work, which was carried out according to a strict and ambitious schedule. The highlights this year are the installation of stable internet connections to the guest rooms via fiber optic cables, as well as a new, beautifully decorated curio shop.

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The same race every year. During the annual renovation work, we want to do as much work as possible. This was the case this time too. But as we heard the clock ticking, we were once again amazed by the professionalism, calmness and solution-orientation of all the workers, which helped us in the process, and which guaranteed us that Rhulani will appear in all its splendor on the day when guests arrive again.

The list of works was diverse and ambitious:

  • New, fresh paint in the interiors of all guest chalets
  • Revision of thatched roofs and repair of any leaks identified after the rainy season
  • Installation of new, large windows in the en-suite bathrooms of the Luxury Family Suite, which now gives the room much more air and light
  • Maintenance of all exterior wooden decks of the guest chalets, including sanding down with a machine and oiling
  • Cleaning and fresh painting of the fish pond at the entrance
  • Complete renovation and reinstallation of Rhulani’s small Curio Shop, where we offer a new range of souvenirs to our guests
  • Construction of a new storage room for the Curio shop stock
  • Installation of underground cable connections from entry point to the guest rooms to stabilize the quality of the Internet signal in the guest rooms
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We would like to thank our partners as well as the helping hands of our own employees for their great work, and we always look forward to hopefully positive feedback.

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