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Rhulani Insights 242 – We set a world record in wildlife observation

Look behind the scenes of Rhulani Safari Lodge.

We hope you have had a great start to the new year. We are starting with a lot of energy and a humorous approach. Captain Redbeard "Alasdair" is just the right ranger with whom we want to set a world record in animal observations that is not to be taken too seriously. The aim is to find as many animals as possible in two minutes. And off we go!

And as - funny enough, it actually became - so I've always wanted to be a Guinness world record holder. And believe it or not, before I made this there was not a category for world's largest Nerf gun, but there is now.

- Max Rober, American Entertainer

Today's two-minute race should definitely not be taken seriously. Safari is a relaxing, calming experience, and stress has no place out here in the bush. And a safari is not about seeing as many animals as possible in the shortest time possible, it's about immersing yourself in a fascinating world and understanding how all the elements interact with each other.

Nevertheless, today we're going to present a funny blog and show you that it can happen that many animals of different species can gather in the same place. Elephant, rhino, giraffe, lion, blue wildebeest, oryx, red hartebeest, impala, zebra... and I think there were even more if we look closely.

We think we've definitely set a new world record. Do you agree?

Stay tuned for the next episode on 26 January when we will be driving on wet roads.

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