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Rhulani Insights 233 – Elephant in camp

- News, Rhulani Insights, Wildlife

Rhulani Safari Lodge is an unfenced camp. This means that, in theory, you can see all kinds of animals here. We do have an electric fence around the lodge, which should at least keep the elephants away from us. But unfortunately that doesn't always work either.

Especially in the dry winter months, elephants are desperately looking for water sources, and the plunge pools in the guest rooms and even the water pipes sunk into the ground are naturally attractive.

You know...they say an elephant never forgets. What they don't tell you is, you never forget an elephant.

- Bill Murray, American actor

An electric fence with 20,000 Volt is often not a big enough obstacle in such a situation, and so we have a bull elephant in the middle of the camp. Today we are there live and see how the Rhulani team, led by manager Tom, tries to get the uninvited visitor out before he can cause any damage.

Stay tuned for the next episode on 22 September when we show you more details about the bed configuration in the Luxury Private Chalet - Premium.

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