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My funny story: At the wrong “Rhulani”

- Staff

Funny everyday life stories from the bush: Rhulani's assistant manager Carla tells us how surprised she was when new guests were arriving at the lodge but we could not find the respective booking. And the lodge was full that day…

Foto Carla 2017
Screen Shot 2018 10 02 at 9 30 15 PM

“This story is actually not funny at all! But once in a lifetime I think this will happen... 

So we have the gate calling us with four guests checking in and more still on the way. I check again all our files and emails but no one is checking in on our side. Even worse, we are full camp tonight and have no space available.

So, quite nervous, we are waiting for them for about 45 minutes to arrive at our entrance. Hastily I send Tsholo to go look for them and Sean getting ready to take them on a game drive. Finally they arrive at a speed of 10kmph. 

The guests show me a confirmation voucher, and then the shock comes over all of us. More for us than them. The guests are indeed booked in at Rhulani. But not our Rhulani.... 

The unfortunate guests came all the way from Johannesburg. I did not even know there is another Rhulani, called “Rhulani Kruger Villa”. This lodge is 750 km away from us – exactly in the opposite direction.

We felt so sorry about this misfortune, more so that we could not offer a solution.”

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